Twitter essays

Twitter is a great tool for setting out a line of thought, but a bad tool for preserving it. Here are a few extended series of tweets, archived using Storify.

140-character arguments

People on Twitter sometimes say that an issue is too big or complex to discuss on Twitter, presumably because statements on Twitter have to be 140 characters or fewer. But 140 characters has often been more than enough for complete and profound statements by Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Jesus, and many others. Here are some examples.

On the theology curriculum at Notre Dame & beyond

As of Spring 2015, Notre Dame is in the middle of a general-education curriculum reform that has prompted many in the theology department there to argue that theology deserves a prominent place in the curriculum. I agree with them, but I have not found them to be making arguments that will convince colleagues in other departments and schools, much less the university’s administration and board. Here’s a response to ND theology professor Francesca Murphy’s (flawed) argument on this point.

Worker dignity & kenosis

An exchange concerning the theology of work, specifically about whether there is dignity in doing work that drains the worker’s capacities.

Resources for teaching with Twitter

I sometimes use Twitter to teach. If you do, too, or if you’d like to, you may find these resources helpful. I did.

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